Why is the college in a state of disrepair? by Tiffany McKay
Last week, Shepard Hall sprang a new leak. This problem joins the other maintenance concerns found all over CCNY’s campus. Marshak’s main floor ceiling also seems to be falling apart, and the second floor of the NAC library has been rotted by water with huge chunks of ceiling missing.
Everyone’s complaining about the disrepair. “There are leaks everywhere,” says Richard Cacciato, assistant director of public safety. “Unless it’s something major, they aren’t going to do anything about.”
The lack of repairs has made students concerned about the college is spending their tuition. “In a newer building [NAC] like this you expect maintenance would have to be done but not as extensively so you wonder were corners cut,” says Aimee Haicken, a CCNY ad/PR student. “Were there budget constraints that maybe should have been ignored?”
So how long will it take for the problems to be fixed, including the Shepard Hall eyesore? “It is in the works,” says Jen Lemieux, a facilities employee. “There are millions of things and people are involved in other projects. It is being addressed. It is being taken care of.”